The stereotype of marijuana smokers is that the couch potato, a student or an aging hippie, but like most cliches, it is a bit on the merits. From the seeds of marijuana and tobacco has long been known that marijuana fans come from all walks of life - including a surprisingly large number of master athletes.
Gold-medal swimmer Michael Phelps has been developed in the corners of his latest exhibition in the smoker of marijuana, but joins a long list of top-level sportsmen and women who are victims of a large public meeting with the substance. Here are five sportsmen and women (including Phelps), which is smoking Outeda and lived to tell ...
Michael Phelps
Scandal: Michael Phelps is the latest sports star to the lack of automatic adjustment of camera Paparazzo. After winning record 8 gold medals at the Olympic Games in Beijing, where criticism of news in the world published photos of him smoking marijuana Bong. Not in training at a time when the photo was taken, but his reputation as a hero of all in connection with the use of marijuana has caused fierce debate about that kind of punishment, it is, if at all.
Restoration: Too early to tell what long-term damage to reputation, and his career will be. He was forbidden to participate in the competition for three months, and Kelloggs their sponsorship (and include them in a pot smoker boycott list - stay away from corn flakes, while the highest!), But it does not seem to have a serious long-term ban. I think that will not play both of marijuana seeds for a good long time!
Jennifer Capriati
Scandal: Tennis prodigy Jennifer Capriati, who won the Olympic gold medal and a number of chapters, 18 years ago, left the rails spectacularly in 1994. Because of theft and possession of marijuana, and then not play for nearly two years, causing speculation that his career even before 20.
Restoration: Capriati has the time to recovery, but in the end to come back in style, always number 1 in the world in 2001 and won three Grand criticizes on the street. There are currently suffering from injuries, the future is uncertain, but he firmly heritage as one of the players in recent years.
Shinichi Suzukawa AKA Wakakirin
Scandal: Sumo was shocked a number of scandals in recent years, which coincided with the end of doping, but the recent scandal with a Japanese fighter who fights in the ring name Wakakirin. Wakakirin (Shinichi Suzukawa real name) was permanently expelled from the competition after it because of the possession of marijuana. Despite the fact that the drug is not considered a performance Enhancer, sumo wrestler, is expected to dress and live in conditions of strict ritual and fashion, and the incident scandalized sumo administration.
Driven speculation that marijuana Munchi May have played a role in the development of physical Wakakirin Sumo at the time of writing, but not ....
Recovery: Unfortunately, for Wakakirin, recovery seems unlikely. He was removed from the game, and barring a miracle, to remember that not similar to combat them once again professionally. On the side, was not shown (which refused to pay for their retirement) ... this is a sort of vacation ...
Ross Rebagliati
Scandal: The Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati was caused resentment may eventually become a sports star - After winning Olympic gold at the Winter Olympics in 1998, his medals when it was marijuana in his system.
Recovery: It is interesting to note that the order was lifted, and immediately returned to Rebagliati in medal on the grounds that marijuana in) missing from the list of banned substances, and b) are not considered performance enhancing drugs. Indeed, who can win Olympic gold, but in no way under the influence of marijuana, probably deserves the medal of another kind!
Damon Stroudamire
Scandal: an experienced basketball player Damon Stroudamire, nicknamed "Mighty Mouse", remained in the news about various events associated with marijuana, playing at Portland Trail Blazers (which, unfortunately, was known as the "jail Blazers Stroudamire, if it is for them because that many experts and drug problems.) after the third arrest, possession of marijuana in 2003, was fined a quarter of a million dollars and banned for three months.
Restoration: Stroudamire went through a rehabilitation program 90 days after his suspension. Moreover, in agreement with a reporter, that was a urine sample at any time during the season that the designated reporter. Done that one of his best times, as well as the journalist checked in midway through the negative result.
So, if you are not a Japanese sumo wrestler, it seems that marijuana is less harmful to the length of his career - and this is most common in the world of sport, you tend to think ...