
In the list of movies is full of wasted potential, Alex Proyas top. Although the dark city lights overlooking Surreal science fiction, magic, and the remainder of their efforts - including the epic gloppy Will Smith I, Robot - and felt ungrateful. Thus, if your name is on the efforts taken Nicolas Cage (actor himself has said an excellent example of the continuation of the law of diminishing returns), one of the fear of failure. But, as would be lucky, knowing it is actually very good. This indicates that Proyas may be mega-big success measure was finally realize its potential unfulfilled.

Fifty years ago, students in small schools, Massachusetts buried time capsule with their drawings of the future. In 2009, she was open, and what changes in the fate of MIT professor John Koestler (Cage), his son, Caleb (Chandler Canterbury), and the world as we know it. It seems that the child receives a strange list of numbers written by a child over five decades. Well, you see the structure in random Koestler - it seems that the predicted catastrophe, the date and the actual number of victims. Fortunately, most of the tragedies that have occurred. Unfortunately, there are three others. With the help of Diane Wayland (Rose Byrne) and his daughter Abby (Lara Robinson), our heroes are trying to wish their lives to how we "know" no longer exists.

This knowledge, though not without its shortcomings, is a bold and exciting spectacle. They are not considered to be negative, and Michael Tolkin believes Rapture. Proyas again with his muse in a way that everything is wonderful. Three main parts of the configuration - a terrible crash, nor cruel crush meter, and the final horror - they are so cleverly done, so surprising in its daring film, which is difficult to imagine a study, giving them a green color. With a solid background in order to equally strong chaos, these scenes play as real news is filled with a real vision of death and destruction. In these moments alone, is worth their time.

In addition, cells can not be undone Proyas ability behind the lens. Although much better than in other countries in the last salary (Bangkok dangerous, Next), There are moments when he feels out of sync with the rest of the movie. Canterbury also arrogant child actor of our time. But the story goes, as his character learns more and more on the fatal list, which comes in the box. It seems much more comfortable in the role of reactive and should not fall into the wrong-heroic, that the first part of the movie should be. Proyas also help in providing casting and small islands.

Of course, there are limitations. You can not do much thinking, the big budget spectacle without speculation. In the last 15 minutes, you know, like the unusual twist, so mysterious in its confidence even more striking in its design, whether you or not. Your response to these actions have to do-or-break time for you, and this movie. Buy it, and that something, especially in the performance in full. And you will not be twiddling his fingers in the Spielberg / War of the Worlds disbelief. Given the fact that everything that happens before - and the incredible film - is a major risk for Proyas and his image. Indeed, if the success of the movie, it's time to water in the next few weeks.

Frankly, we know that this is a bold and deliberate, as if Proyas deliberately trying to undermine the hopes of pandering to the standard popcorn. It succeeded so well, as demonstrated by an art forgotten hero indeed.

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