NEW YORK - Shock and denial are the emotions that most of the room full of New York, the young people met on Friday afternoon (13 February) to discuss the alleged confrontation between Chris Brown and Rihanna, and its impact.
Interview is part of a forum for the MTV News ", Rihanna and Chris Brown Love in Need", broadcast on Monday at 6 am ET / PT.
"It is good guy," said Lee charisma, 20, a musician from New Jersey, Brown. "I hope that [these reports are not] as bad as it sounds, because domestic violence is serious."
The number of visitors that the seemingly happy couple, may even lead to strokes. Some, like Melissa Bucano, 20, college student at the Academy of Fine Arts - which states that a child, she saw her father's place of violence against the mother - spoke of the continuing problems of trust after the violence in the family. Others, like the Viper Lewis, 19, New York, was Blunt: "When they came back to him, he was too stupid," said Rihanna. Lewis added that both singers have their "crazy" as a result of the incident.
The forum, moderated by MTV News' Kim Stolz, made a number of challenges, with two experts: Dr. Michael Bell and Juan Ramos, senior director of domestic violence is the responsibility of the Program Safe Horizon, the Organization for Victim Assistance for Women and Men from violence.
Safe Horizon, some alarming statistics on the relationship between the abuse of young couples:
* One of three teenagers suspected of knowing a friend or colleague, who was adopted, punched, stepped up, beaten, choked or physically affected by their partner
* 13 per cent of young people said that they are on the report is physically injured or affected
* If the violence, 73 per cent of young people said that they were treated to a friend for help, but only 33 percent of those who saw or abusive relationships said that they have stated that any
Figures from a study conducted for Liz Claiborne Inc. Survey of Youth Unlimited in February 2005.
"Dr. Michelle," as it was called, told the audience about the importance of recognizing signs of abuse.
"Every once in battle, killing one person, or jealousy issues," is to define as abuse. "A lot of things that we think is going well, until he spoke at a stroke, but it is not."
In the case of Brown, the singer said in the past, that her former stepfather was a history of abuse of his mother (a claim disputed by his former stepfather this week). Dr. Michel explained that young men tend to be two positions in such a situation: either to vote to retain control over their actions, or to repeat the cycle.
Ramos supported the sentiment and added that if these allegations are true, then the responsibility should be Brown, and her voice to the debate among his fans, and Rihanna.
The problem of abuse not only in relations between women and men and women in this room, it was quickly pointed out. Dr. Michel agreed, and said that the same rules, regardless of gender. He gave warning Stern.
"Nobody should beat anybody," he said. "Keep your hands to yourself!"
MTV will air "Rihanna and Chris Brown: Problems in Love" from Monday, Feb. 16, at 6 am ET / PT.