It’s been animals galore this week, with beavers, foxes and even pot-bellied piglets elbowing their furry way into the limelight.
On Tuesday, Mel Gibson was spotted ambling around New York City brandishing a beaver of the hand-puppet variety. Turns out he’s midway through filming a movie called, yes, The Beaver with Jodie Foster (of all people) in the director’s chair as well as co-starring with Mel and fluffy friend. What is she thinking?
The following day, cannier-than-you’d-think socialite/clothes horse Paris Hilton
turned up at the snappily-named Fox (no, not yet…) Reality Channel Really Awards in La-La Land. Star Trek-inspired dress aside, the real chatter concerned Paris’s slapdash attitude to pet care, with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) digging in to the heiress for ordering a pot-bellied piglet called Princess Piglette. “As disposable as her friends and fiancés,” is how the Peta activist suggests La Hilton treats her pets. Well, really.
Back in Blighty, the London Film Festival launched in style with Fantastic Mr Fox (ah, there it is!) taking the opening gala spot. George Clooney (the voice of Mr Fox himself) charmed all comers with missus Elisabetta Canalis in tow, while model/author Sophie Dahl rocked up with fiancé Jamie Cullum to raise a glass to the film version her granddad Roald’s book. You will be able to find all the film trailers on Orange.
No four-legged friends at Tatler’s 300th anniversary party, admittedly, but Tara Palmer-Tomkinson did wear an alarmingly see-through dress, which no doubt brought out the animal in some of the men in her vicinity. Grrr!
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Orange Celebrity News Round-Up – London Film Festival
Labels: Festival