In the new era of celebrity obsession, as the pregnancy is the latest "must have" accessory for many Hollywood stars, and without children at home.
Pregnancy and children, as suicide is a career in Hollywood. But now we have a pop-culture, "Baby animals, monitoring of the coup" and other cutesy trend rates to the public obsession with pregnant, planning to become pregnant, pregnant and suspicious outlook in the world of celebrity gossip.
One could say that about pregnancy of the famous clock, divorce and dissolution of the clock - almost but not quite. World loves other people in the "dirty laundry" and the child is still generally considered a joyful event for all, so I think this obsession is better than the lust for bad news about the stars and happiness, is not it?
The growing trend at the moment is also a unique genus, and a statement of independence, many young actresses such as Halle Berry and Penelope Cruz recently about the merits of each of motherhood.
More and more actresses do not have a marriage, motherhood and yes, it probably indicates a growing sense of independence and feminism in Hollywood and around the world.
Now, as women in the workforce, and often more than able to financially provide for themselves and one child, single mother has become acceptable. In Hollywood, motherhood, only a little status symbol. Take for example Angelina Jolie.
Before you do, if you recall, a single mother, who, with respect and envy? Angelina and high fashion, beauty, big name actresses have already said no to relationships and yes to mommyhood only public hunger for more "celebrity baby news."
She and other mothers as sexy Diane Lane, svelto Shania Twain and other celebrities, after giving birth to new meaning to the term "Hot Mama."
These women have helped us "normal" women understand that not everyone has, with pleasure, sexy look, dressing, and if we were small children. It motherhood, sexuality appears, almost like a new beginning or renewal of the spirit and outlook on life.
Some have argued that celebrity mothers glorification makes real life a mother to feel inferior and paints unrealistic picture of ease and happiness of motherhood, the fact that all the extra help he can afford to employ known.
I do not agree. I think he taught that women can enjoy the profession, and have a family. We all, we just need to work on it. And who is not with this?
Celebrity Trends: fashionable to be pregnant?
Labels: Celebrity